(vee-oh-ji) n. stands for the "Voice of God;" one of the nicknames given to Don LaFontaine, one of five major million-dollar voice-over actors famous for his sexy, husky voice in more than 4000 movie trailers; also see The King of the Movie Trailers
Did you ever wonder who was responsible for all those enrapturing trailer narrations that always start with booming clichés like "In a world where..." or "From the bedroom to the boardroom...?" I know I never cared. And if I did, it was merely because I thought the trailer would've been better off without the annoying, over-played baritone voice pumped through the speakers. Even the most avid movie-goer who has never missed The Twenty and has seen every movie preview in existence at least ten times could probably give a rat's behind about the man behind that trailer voice. So, it may appear to be a rather sad life for The VoG, Mr. LaFontaine...but maybe not so sad when you consider how much dough a deep bellowing voice can get you in Hollywood. It seems that there is some unwritten law that all trailers be narrated by a strong, testosterone-loaded voice (see Trailer talk article from www.theage.com). No one wants to hear the Nanny narrating the trailer for Star Wars. Or Mel Brooks narrating for Dances with Wolves. I must say, after hearing LaFontaine's deep...strong...and oh, so manly voice in an interview with Bill Weir, I can see the appeal. And I might even start paying attention to trailers next time.
Did you ever wonder who was responsible for all those enrapturing trailer narrations that always start with booming clichés like "In a world where..." or "From the bedroom to the boardroom...?" I know I never cared. And if I did, it was merely because I thought the trailer would've been better off without the annoying, over-played baritone voice pumped through the speakers. Even the most avid movie-goer who has never missed The Twenty and has seen every movie preview in existence at least ten times could probably give a rat's behind about the man behind that trailer voice. So, it may appear to be a rather sad life for The VoG, Mr. LaFontaine...but maybe not so sad when you consider how much dough a deep bellowing voice can get you in Hollywood. It seems that there is some unwritten law that all trailers be narrated by a strong, testosterone-loaded voice (see Trailer talk article from www.theage.com). No one wants to hear the Nanny narrating the trailer for Star Wars. Or Mel Brooks narrating for Dances with Wolves. I must say, after hearing LaFontaine's deep...strong...and oh, so manly voice in an interview with Bill Weir, I can see the appeal. And I might even start paying attention to trailers next time.
well well, lookie what we have here. you know if i look at your url quick enough i would have thought it said beef.blogspot.com. it probably could have been a boring website about where to go eat, what's on sale or some junk like that. or it could probably be about hunky beefcakes you see on tv or other media outlets. that would be awesome. you can make tshirts with the word beef on the front. i'd wear one.
well anyway, here are some words mentioned on the radio show CarTalk. the words are probably funnier if you've heard the show and like it.
fartfignugan - releasing gas in a small german automobile. (i will most definitely fartfignugan next time i hangout with you)
fratulence - the tendencty of brothers to encourage one another in vulgar behavior.
nagivate - one who incessantly assists with directions in an overly critical manner.
stoptional - traffic stop signs that you choose not to obey.
carbage - the trash found in your car.
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